September 2, 2017 to September 3, 2017
Girls Act Tough! An acting workshop for teen girls.
Come and join the workshop facilitators, Christine Tootoo (star of Kiviuq Returns, Iqaluit The Movie) and Nyla Innuksuk (producer/director of Slash Back, Kajutaijuq) at House 411 in Iqaluit for a free acting workshop.
DATES: Saturday, September 2 and Sunday September 3
1:00-4:00 p.m. at House 411, Iqaluit
Register: or 867-979-6485
* Learn to act in front of the camera (without looking like you're acting)
* Make an audition video
* Build your confidence
* Learn cool self defence moves to escape an alien invasion
* Be proud to be you!
Girls 13-16 years old are invited to apply to the Girls Act Tough Workshop.
Please get in touch as there are limited spaces available.