Qaggiq School of Performing Arts is proud to provide educational opportunities for established and emerging performers in Nunavut!

Check out what courses we currently have avaliable:



Past Courses


Advanced Training in Arviat
July 18-21st
Where: Arviat, NU (Location TBA)

Arviat! Qaggiavuut is coming to your community July 18-21st to hold advanced training for performing artists and a free performance for the community on July 21st!

Workshop courses will include:

Pisiit/Pihiit with Dorothy Aglukark
Advanced Throat Singing with Lois Suluk
Song Writing with Looee Arreak
Advanced Drum Dancing with Shelton Nipisar

Honour of the Drum Masterclass
March 25-28th
Where: Iqaluit, NU

Bringing together masters to teach a new generation of aspiring qilaut drum dancers from across Canada. Master instructors included Lamech Kadloo from The Tununiq Theatre Group and Igloolik drum dancer Pakak Innuksuk. Knowledge keepers included Susan Avingaq and Madeline Ivalu. Kadloo and Innuksuk spent the weekend working with eight drum dancers from across the Inuit Nunangat to hone their skills.
Internationally acclaimed filmmaker, Zacharius Kunuk presented archival films he produced with North Baffin elders and spent part of the weekend holding discussions Avingaq and Ivalu on the history and significance of the qilaut. Kunuk made a 20-minute film covering the weekend with Qaggiavuut and will broadcast on his television network, IsumaTV, to share the experience with all Inuit. 

Beginner Throat Singing
March 15th & 19th
Where: Zoom

Charlotte Carleton, professionally known as Qattu, joined from her home in to teach young Inuit how to throat sing. Qattu is a member of the band Silla and Rise and took her experiences as a professional throat singer isolated during the pandemic to show how to practice throat singing, traditionally a two-person style of singing, by oneself.

Qatsivaaq Course
February 18-20th
Where: Zoom

Arviat Elder, Mary Anowtalik and Qaggiavuut’s Chairperson, Lois Suluk, taught students from Mary’s home. They demonstrated Qatsivaaq, a unique form of throat singing from Mary’s region.