STANDING OVATIONS AT EVERY SHOW! Kiviuq Returns is a huge success-- despite not having a Nunavut performance space to create new work. The pan-Arctic Inuit cast and their mentors went South for 4 weeks of creation time at Kingston's Isabel Bader Performing Arts Centre and the Banff Centre to build the show around Kiviuq legends shared by elders. This is the first Inuktitut theatre work to tour Canada and we couldn't be more proud. Congratulations to the cast, the elders, the writers and collaborators and our mentors!
Cast: Natashia Allakariallak, Pakak Innuksuk, Vincent Karetak, Trisha Ogina, Kurri Panika, Lois Suluk, Christine Tootoo
Elders/Storytellers: Miriam Aglukark, Susan Avingaq, Madeline Ivalu, Qaunaq Mikigak
Mentors: Martha Burns, Chris Coleman, Jamie Griffiths, Vincent Karetak, Carlos Rivera
Technical Trainees: Richard Manitok, Charlie Panipak, Ashley Savard
Creative Team: Miriam Aglukark, Sheena Akoomalik, Natashia Allakariallak, Siobhan Arnatsiaq-Murphy, Looee Arreak, Susan Avingaq, Martha Burns, Jamie Griffiths, Ellen Hamilton, Pakak Innuksuk, Madeline Ivalu, Vincent Karetak, Qaunaq Mikigak, Trisha Ogina, Taqralik Partridge, Kurri Panika, Carlos Rivera, Ashley Savard, Lois Suluk, Christine Tootoo, Damien Tulugarjuk, Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory
Read the Globe and Mail review of the Toronto show.
Photo credit (above): Vincent DesRosiers, Iqaluit.
Photo credit (below) Jamie Griffiths, Iqaluit